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Unexpected benefits of music for your body

Popular wisdom teaches us that music is good for your soul, but it can also help you in many other surprising ways. Listening, and all the more practicing music, are supposed to have immediate benefits on your body. All good reasons to have a field day and add singing to your list of resolutions for 2015.

Group singing influences your heart

A study carried out by researchers at the University of Gothenburg revealed that members of the same choir have a natural tendency to synchronize their heartbeat when singing together, which creates a calm atmosphere similar to Yoga (which also requires breath control). Furthermore, the USA is seeing a new activity emerging (born in Los Angeles) called Vocal Yoga.

Music improves your sleep

A study by the National Library of Medicine outlines the fact that Classical Music is good for your sleep. If not for helping to fall asleep, it also improves the quality of sleep with its powerful ability to calm, thus reducing nervous activity and helping you to sleep better.

Singing makes you look good

No magic potion here, it's all about your posture. When singing, your body has a natural tendency to straighten up to create the air column, and you quickly look more confident.

Music reduces stress

It's not a surprise, Music helps reduce stress levels. It stimulates your body's stress reducers and is supposed to have the same effects as a massage.

Furthermore, slow and smooth music can change how fast your brain creates new connections, bringing the person close to a meditation or hypnotic state. Indeed, this can be very useful for people suffering from behavioral issues.

Recover from a cold with some singing

When singing, you force your sinuses, those small respiratory channels in your nose, to open up, as well as your respiratory tract. As a result, your breathing is easier, and you feel better!

Music increases your brain's abilities

Upbeat tempo helps in preparing for an important competition by reducing the level of stress, and therefore increasing the overall performance.

In addition, listening to music when working on a task that requires a lot of focus can help you increase your performance. Research published in Psychology Today has outlined the benefits of music on cognitive abilities, which are used when working on activities that require a lot of thinking.

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  • 9 years ago
      singing allows me to think of the son I have lost
    • 9 years ago
        La musique commence là où s'arrête le pouvoir des mots Richard Wagner
      • 9 years ago
          For those wanting more "pitch changes"....I use "Transcribe" which does a great job in varying the pitch without compromising the quality of the song. It also allows for changes in tempo when needed. Thanks to Karaoke Version for all your great productions.
        • 9 years ago
            I am convinced more than ever that singing is good for maintaining good health and overall well-being.
          • 9 years ago
              A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and sings it to you when you've forgotten the words!
            • 9 years ago
                mostly it's your first love...... and your last !!! ;-)
              • 9 years ago
                  Music Is A Language to the world...end everyone understands that Language...;-)
                • 9 years ago
                    And a Happy New Year to yourselves. Thank you for the great quality of most of the tracks and also for the fact you continually improve the ones' not quite up to standard. Many Thanks, Mick C.
                  • 9 years ago
                      Singing brings joy to your soul as you lift the spirits of your audience, especially if they are the elderly. Music is the last thing that leaves the demented mind. Therefore, if you sing their music they will sing along even if they haven’t been able to communicate verbally for a long time. This is my “ministry” now and I love bringing joy into the hearts of people. Bud
                    • 9 years ago
                        Need more pitch changes instead of atone either way
                      • 9 years ago
                          Singing is good for the 'whole' person Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually. Rick
                        • 9 years ago
                            Good, encouraging advice for my 16-year-old grandson as he starts his first guitar lessons. Thank you for posting. Bill